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How to work with Dynamic Equilibrium

As you will have learned in science lessons, many chemical reactions are reversible. In these reactions, there is both a forward reaction and a reverse reaction. In closed systems, eventually the forward and reverse reaction rates will be constant. This is called dynamic equilibrium. You could say it reaches a steady state, or a balance that resists change.

Why not have a little break from learning how different factors affect equilibrium position and instead learn about how we balance!

Maintaining our balance involves several complex systems. The ears are incredibly important. The vestibular system, which consists of several structures in the inner ear, sends signals to the brain. Movements of your head from side to side or up and down, and the rotation of your head are all monitored. There are even structures which detect gravity.

It is not just your ears that keep you balanced though. Sensory receptors in your skin, muscle and joints let your brain know what your body is doing. Proprioception is the body’s ability to sense where it is, and how it is moving. It enables us, for example, to kick a ball, or just walk without looking at our feet. Or to be able to touch our nose with our eyes closed. These receptors are sensitive to stretching or pressure. So receptors in the neck can tell which way your head is turned, and receptors in your ankles can tell what your legs and feet  are doing!

GCSE Scientists – you need to be able to explain what dynamic equilibrium is, and the factors affecting it. For help with this try our new guide “How to work with Dynamic Equilibrium”. It includes information on Le Chatelier’s Principle, questions to try, and answers to check your understanding.

Click on the picture below to see the guide.

GCSE powerpoint dynamic equiilbrium

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