We offer external intervention support to schools, academies, colleges and universities; so that we can help you support your students and offer them the greatest opportunities to achieve even better, fulfilling their true potential.
As classroom teachers physically don’t have the time to offer each child they teach 1:1 intervention or the additional support that some less able students need, why not let EB Education Services help with this? With personalised quality time outside the classroom, away from some of their peers, children can thrive individually or in a much smaller group, where they feel more comfortable to ask and answer questions. Learning can be tailor-made and delivered at their level and pace, so gaps can be bridged more effectively.
Our intervention can be delivered in many forms, such as sessions run throughout the school day, after school, during free periods (for KS5 students), at weekends or even in the school holidays. We can provide support in the form of 1:1 sessions or small groups, or if you prefer we can deliver topics to larger groups of students. Holiday intervention sessions are often run as full days and are used as a way of preparing students for imminent exams, primarily during the Easter and Whit breaks. Weekend sessions can be used in a similar manner or as catch up/resolution sessions that run concurrently with the relevant course. This has been something that has worked well with A level students who have been willing to put in the extra hours, helping them gain higher grades in their exams.
During the summer holidays, we run ‘prevision’ courses to help students cope better with the huge jump from GCSE to A Level, by helping them to get ahead of the game. We also offer this to year 12 students who are going into year 13, and for those who have struggled, it’s a chance to recap and improve their understanding, prior to entering their final A Level year.
Our intervention can be used to work with children who are currently falling behind, to help them catch up after an absence, clear up misconceptions, and boost their performance and confidence in the classroom. Helping ensure that every child has the ability to get the most from their education is something that we pride ourselves in. We can work closely with schools and local authorities to help close the gap between the understanding of the most vulnerable young people and their peers. We also work with students who are striving to achieve the top grades and need to be stretched and challenged to achieve even better and reach their full potential.
We offer intervention to those students who are currently achieving grades around the C/D (3/4) borderline to try to help them secure the higher grade, which equates to a good pass. Our main focus points for intervention are centred around improving literacy & numeracy, maths, English and the sciences (combined or separate) but we can offer help in other subject areas and skills such as revision, exam technique, confidence building and social interaction.
If you are an educational provider who offers school direct teacher training, why not let us help you find suitable candidates for the position of trainee teacher? EB Education Services have worked extensively with teacher training providers like Manchester Metropolitan and Liverpool John Moores Universities, delivering Subject Knowledge Enhancement courses and STEM courses for prospective and current teachers, as well as carrying out school visits to assess the progress of trainee teachers. Get in touch with us to find out how we can help with CPD and teacher training at your school. Additionally we have links with safeguarding specialists, OFSTED inspectors, and head teachers of outstanding schools who are willing to work alongside other schools to help implement new strategies and analyse and enhance current provision.
Please contact us for further details of how EB Education can help you support your students and staff, as effectively as possible.
If you would like us to run sessions or a course at your school, click on the button below to complete a registration form and we’ll be in touch shortly.