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How to work with Enzymes: Part 2

While you are learning about how enzymes work in human digestive systems, have a look at the interesting eating habits of some other animals!

The Japanese Macaque is one of the cleanest primates. They actually wash their food before eating, specifically to get rid of any dirt on it. Scientists suggest they also clean it in salt water to add some extra flavour!

Or how about the leaf cutter ants. These ants actually cultivate their own crops, just like mini farmers! After cutting leaves from plants which are much bigger than them, they carry the leaves on their backs to their home. Many leaves are piled up and left to compost. The ants even add fertiliser – in the form of their own saliva, to grow fungus on the composting vegetation. Their larvae will then feed off the fungus.

The burying beetle does what the name suggests. Their mating and eating habits are perhaps not the most romantic sounding. Male and female beetles meet at the corpses of decaying animals, where they fight off other hungry couples. They will then bury the corpse, and cover it with oral secretions to slow down the decay process. Subsequently, the female beetle lays her eggs on, or next to the corpse. In this way they provide food for their larvae after they hatch, as they feed on the rotting corpse. Their antennae are so sensitive they are able to detect rotting bodies from up to a mile away.

Birds can also feed in unusual ways. The Northern Shrike, after hunting small vertebrates or insects, pins them on barbed wires, or thorns. This enables them to eat in stages, and return whenever they feel like a snack!

 GCSE scientists you need to be able to explain how enzymes are needed in the digestive system. You also need to describe how to investigate enzyme activity. Try Part 2 of our “How to work with Enzymes” revision guide. It includes exam questions, and answers for you to check your understanding.

Click on the picture below to see the guide:


Enzymes Part 2

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