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How to work with Moles and Calculations

If you are studying GCSE science you will need to revise moles and calculations. But before you start working, check out some of these weird and wonderful science facts.

For any football fans out there, apparently teams wearing red kits actually play better. Throughout nature, red can symbolise aggression and in many animals it is a sign of dominance. For example, experiments have shown that red leg bands on ringed birds can help them move up the pecking order. Some scientists investigated whether wearing red increases the chances of winning in sport. After looking at boxing, freestyle wrestling and taekwondo where contestants were randomly assigned red or blue outfits, they found in all sports, those wearing red were more likely to win. Moving onto football, they also found that  teams played better when wearing red. In fact, since 1947, English football teams wearing red shirts have been champions more often than expected.

Sticking to football, have you ever wondered why footballers spit so much? As you exercise, a protein mucus is secreted into your saliva, making it thicker and consequently harder to swallow.

On a completely different note, did you know that snails have teeth? In fact, they have more teeth than any other animal, with a garden snail having about 14,000 teeth. These are arranged in rows on its tongue. Blue whales, on the other hand, despite being the largest mammals on Earth, have no teeth at all.

We should finish on a Chemistry fact. Protons come in different shapes and sizes, depending on the speed of  quarks (smaller particles inside them). They can be spherical, or look like peanuts, bagels or rugby balls!

If you are studying GCSE science you need to be able to complete calculations with moles, and masses. For help with this try our new revision guide “How to work with Moles and Calculations”. It explains how to calculate relative formula mass, how to use the moles/mass/formula mass equation, and how to calculate the number of atoms in compounds. Included are questions to try, and answers to check your understanding.

To see the guide click the picture below.

Moles and Calculations

Come back and check our blog page for more resources to help you improve your understanding of different topics in various subjects. New Maths and Science guides will be coming soon.

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