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How to work with the Nervous System: Part 1

Nerve Cell

The speed of nerve impulses varies enormously in different types of neurone. The fastest travel at about 250 mph, faster than a Formula 1 racing car!

The nervous system is made up of the brain, the spinal cord and a network of neurones (nerve cells), that run throughout your body. It is your body’s communication centre. Your brain and other parts of your body communicate through the nervous system. The nervous system is really important as it allows your body to send observations and information to the brain or the spinal cord. This information is processed, and tells the rest of your body what to do. Your brain also controls things you probably don’t think about, like your breathing and the beating of your heart.

GCSE scientists, you need to know information about the nervous system. You should be able to describe the differences between sensory, relay and motor neurones, You should also be able explain what a reflex arc is, and how it helps to keep us safe.

To help you understand, check out Part 1 of our “How to work with the Nervous System” guide. This describes the structure of different neurones and the pathway of a reflex arc.  It also includes some GCSE questions and answers for you to check your understanding.

Click on the picture below to see the guide.

The Nervous System

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