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EB Education Services Ltd

How to work with Shapes: Part 1

The Golden Ratio is a special number describing a ratio of approximately 1 to 1.618 that is commonly found in nature.  It appears many times in geometry, art, architecture and other areas. This ratio is supposedly the most pleasing to the eye and  is found in nature. It can be seen in flowers, plants, pinecones, fruits and vegetables. The ratio can also be found in the human face and hand. Some artists and architects believe the Golden Ratio  makes the most beautiful shape. It is believed Leonardo da Vinci used it when drawing the Mona Lisa, and it is present in the design of the Parthenon in Greece.

Our “How to work with…” guide this week is all about shapes. If you need to know what a parallelogram or trapezium is, or how to tell the difference between an isosceles and scalene triangle – this is the guide for you. It describes the properties of regular 2D  shapes, including lines of symmetry and rotational symmetry. There are some questions to try, and answers are included so you can check your understanding.

Click on the picture below to see the guide.


Come back and check our blog page for more resources to help you improve your understanding of different topics in various subjects. New Maths and Science guides will be coming soon.

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